Note Cards featuring Vickie's artwork.
NC109 Mother's Rose
NC110 Sunflower
NC108 Louise
NC105 Deana
NC107 Indian Pipes
NC106 Dogwood Blossom
NC104 Chelsea
NC103 Blue-Eyed Grass
NC102 Abby

$5.95 per set of 5 cards. Choose from the pictures below. Mix and Match or get all 5 of the same print.

Send an e-mail with you order to: and

Make payment to with PayPal.

Or, you may send your order with check or moneyorder to: Vickie's House, P.O.Box 226, Newborn, GA 30056

Free Shipping on orders over $50.00
Graphite Portraits by Vickie are available to you. Print out the contract and fill in the blanks. Altered contracts can not be accepted. Mail to:

Vickie's House

P. O. Box 226

Newborn, GA 30056